Patient safety in the operating room of training and research hospitals in Istanbul
Özkan, B., Aslan, F. E. (2020) Patient Safety In The Operating Room Of Training And Research Hospitals In Istanbul. 3rd International Clinical Nursing Research Congress. 8-11 December 2020.Abstract
This study was done descriptively to determine the practices for providing patient safety in the
operating room.
The study environment and the sample group consisted of the general operating room of
Training and Research Hospitals in İstanbul. The sample group included 21 hospitals. The data
were collected with “Questionnaire Form of The Operating Room General Characteristic” by
interviewing the manager of operating room nurses and “Check List of Patient Safety Goals in
Operating Room” by interviewing a general surgery operating room nurse, who was at least
two years experienced. In the assesment of the study number and percentages were used.
In this study result; it is found out that 4.8 % of the operating rooms weren’t used wrist band
for identify the patient, side and site marking for operative site and the surgeon weren’t involved
the patient in the marking process, 19 % of them weren’t marked the site in surgery department,
9.5 % of them weren’t used a check list to verify that all documents and equipment needed for
surgery side and site marking, 71.5 % of them were transferred the patient from stretcher to
operating room bed with surgical drapes, 28 % of them were used bad or room number for
identfy the patient, 33.3 % of them weren’t saved the medicine case which were used in sterile
field to operation ending. It is found out that all of the operating rooms were have fire tubes and
have no problems in communication of operating room team members and all of the operating
rooms staff were known about high risk patients and for positioning the patient all of them were
used suitable position equipment. In line with the findings of the study; It can be said that patient
safety in the operating room of Training and Research Hospitals in İstanbul is partially