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The determinants of green purchasing in the hospitality sector: A study on the mediation effect of LOHAS orientation
(MDPI, 2024)The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of personal norm and to measure the effect of personal norm on green purchasing behavior as well as a possible mediating role of consumer LOHAS orientation in ... -
Modern sonrası zamanlarda kolektiviteden kopuş: Gündelik hayatta bireyselleşmenin tezahürleri ve değerlerin yeniden inşası
(Mehmet Ali Karaman, 2024)Dünya tarihinde en önemli toplumsal değişimlerden biri, toplum merkezli anlayıştan ya da kolektiviteden birey merkezli anlayışa geçiş, yani bireyselleşmenin yükselişi olmuştur. Geleneksel toplumsal pratiklerde yaşanan ... -
The business start-up procedures and costs for entrepreneurs
(Istanbul Commerce University, 2024)Entrepreneurs may encounter various difficulties when launching a new business. A business setup process can be quite straightforward in some nations and be challenging in others, particularly with regard to the amount ... -
Global migrations of the discourse of “gender ideology” and moral panics: transnational fundamentalism from the Vatican to Turkey
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)This article looks at the gender regime of the governing Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi; AKP) in Turkey through the double lenses of “gender ideology” and moral panics. It traces the itinerary ... -
Digital media and communication practices of Gen Z in the age of artificial intelligence
(Transnational Press London, 2024)Technological advancements have brought about notable improvements in societies, yet they also pose certain risks. The era of artificial intelligence (AI) represents a profound technological evolution, with an ever-growing ... -
The dual role of artificial intelligence in vaccine communication: Challenges and opportunities in fighting misinformation
(Transnational Press London, 2024)In a world increasingly shaped by vast communication networks and platforms, the critical role of communication in public health has, at times, not received the attention it deserves. Yet, as societies grapple with complex ... -
Periodontitis provokes retinal neurodegenerative effects of metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study
(MDPI, 2024)Background: This cross-sectional study aims to investigate the retino-choroidal degenerative effects of periodontitis, metabolic syndrome (Mets), and the combination of these diseases using opti cal coherence tomography ... -
Surface roughness on cementoenamel junction after rubber-dam clamp application
(Wiley, 2024)Objective: To investigate the surface roughness on cementoenamel junction after application of various rubber-dam retraction clamps for different durations. Materials and methods: Fifty-four extracted human molar teeth ... -
Factors associated with psychosis in 2098 methamphetamine users admitted to 104 outpatient counseling centers in 80 cities in Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2024)Evidence suggests that individuals who use methamphetamine are at a significantly higher risk of developing psychosis compared to non-users. This study aims to examine the rate of psychosis among methamphetamine users ... -
Zincir yiyecek içecek işletmelerinde dijital dönüşüm: İstanbul örneği
(Rahman Temizkan, 2024)Bilgi çağı olarak adlandırılan 21. yüzyıl, küreselleşmenin ve dijitalleşme kavramlarının hızlı bir biçimde yaşandığı, Dünya genelinde Endüstri 4.0 kavramının öne çıktığı bir dönemin başlangıcı olmuştur. Günümüz koşullarında, ...