Browsing by Author "Sayan, İlknur"
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde sağlık çalışanlarının stresle başa çıkma tarzlarının örgütsel bağlılık düzeylerine etkisi
Sayan, İlknur; Zeyneloğlu, Sinan; Malatyalı, İrem (İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi, 2023)Covid-19 pandemi sürecinin başlangıcından bu yana sağlık çalışanlarına hastalıkla mücadelede önemli roller düşmektedir. Covid-19’un tüm dünyada hızla yayılması ve çözümün bulunamaması tüm bireylerin olduğu gibi ... -
Çalışma yaşamında duyguları yönetmenin işkolik üzerindeki etkisi: sağlık çalışanları üzerine bir uygulama
Sayan, İlknur (Sağlık Akademisyenleri Derneği, 2020)... -
Determination of motivation factors that affect performance in healthcare providers
Sayan, İlknur (Sema Polatcı, 2024)The job performance of healthcare workers is crucial to overcoming challenging situations, given the working conditions, and increasing patient expectations. Motivation theory argues that motivation is crucial for job ... -
Determination of the relationship between quality of life and personality traits in university students
Namlı, Ayşenur; Sayan, İlknur (2019)The Problem of the Study: Quality of life is a concept that includes emotional, mental, social, physical and behavioral variables. Personality consists of the inheritance characteristics of human, family characteristics, ... -
Döngüsel ekonomi yaklaşımıyla sağlık sektöründe atık yönetiminin dönüşümü: Politika ve uygulama önerileri
Sayan, İlknur (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2024)Bu çalışma, döngüsel ekonomi (DE) yaklaşımının sağlık sektöründeki atık yönetimi uygulamalarına entegrasyonunu ve bu entegrasyonun politika ve uygulama düzeylerinde yaratabileceği potansiyel dönüşümleri derinlemesine ... -
The effects of anxiety and depression on work performance during the Covid-19 crisis: the mediating role of personality features
Sayan, İlknur; Tamer, Gülay (Mersin Üniversitesi, 2023)Purpose: To determine the mediating role of personality types in the effect of anxiety and depression on job performance in the Covid-19 pandemic. Design and Methods: This research was conducted in a descriptive type. ... -
Effects of sustainable medical waste management on the environment and human health
Sayan, İlknur (IGI Global, 2019)ABSTRACT The increase in the number of health institutions, developments in technology, and the use of devices and materials utilized in diagnosis and treatments have increased the types and amount of medical waste. Therefore, ... -
Ethics in management:ethical leadership and culture
Sarıcı Aytan, Yasemin; Sayan, İlknur (IGI Global, 2020)ABSTRACT Recently, ethics is one of the fundamental issues that companies had to pay attention to because of global economic crises, corporate scandals, and rising importance of environmental concerns. Furthermore, scarcity ... -
Ethics, ethical leadership, and supply chain management
Sarıcı Aytan, Yasemin; Sayan, İlknur (IGI Global, 2019)To analyze ethics and sustainability in supply chain management: ethics, business ethics and ethical leadership are briefly explained. Ethics is important for the business in 4 aspects: customers, suppliers, competitors ... -
Etik liderlik özellikleri ile örgütsel adalet ve örgütsel bağlılığın değerlendirilmesi: sağlık kurumlarında bir araştırma
Ali Mohammed, Mariam; Sayan, İlknur (İrfan Türkoğlu, 2023)Bu çalışmada, sağlık kuruluşlarında çalışanların etik liderlik algısının, örgütsel adalet ve örgütsel bağlılık üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Ankara ilinde özel hastanelerde ... -
Evaluation of the relationship between Internet and smartphone addiction and loneliness among university students
Sarıcı, Yasemin; Sayan, İlknur (Nevzat Demirci, 2023)The present study investigated the relationships between Internet addiction, smartphone use, and loneliness among university students, and compared these variables according to demographic characteristics. A total of 384 ... -
Evaluation of the relationship between internet and smartphone addiction and loneliness among university students
Sarıcı, Yasemin; Sayan, İlknur (NDP Academic Publishing, 2023)The present study investigated the relationships between Internet addiction, smartphone use, and loneliness among university students, and compared these variables according to demographic characteristics. A total of 384 ... -
Evaluation of the relationship between job performance and intention to leave the job in health workers
Sayan, İlknur (Karadeniz Technical University, 2023)Problem of the Study: The widespread shortage of health care workers and the intention to leave work is a major problem of health care workers. Declining job performance can be explained as one of the most consistent ... -
The impact of leadership style on organizational citizenship behavior: determining the level of motivation in health workers
Sayan, İlknur; Güney, Salih (IJLS, 2019)Öz Today's organizations must adapt to environmental changes so that they can survive within the rapidly changing conditions of competition. In order to achieve organizational performance and effectiveness in institutional ... -
Innovative business behavior and personal features: an application in the health sector
Sayan, İlknur; Mutlu, Hatice (PressAcademia Procedia, 2023)Purpose- Creativity and innovation in the workplace have been recognized as important determinants of organizational performance and success. In order to fully understand the effect of personality traits of healthcare ... -
ISO 14000 Environmental Management System for Sustainable Development and Environment in Business
Sayan, İlknur (IGI Global, 2021)Abstract Today, environmental pollution is a global problem. Industrialization, rapid urbanization, technological advances, economic developments, and increasing world population have brought environmental pollution with ... -
İşyerinde mobbing
Sayan, İlknur; Varış, Ferhat (Özgür Yayınları, 2023)İş yerinde yükselen bir sorun olan mobbing, son zamanlarda akademik ve iş ortamlarında giderek daha fazla ilgi görmektedir. Mobbing, sosyal ve psikolojik olarak çok boyutlu özellikleri olan ve iş ortamında sıkça görülen ... -
The mediator role of use of emotion in the association be-tween personality traits and workaholism
Sayan, İlknur (Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 2020)...