Toplam kayıt 977, listelenen: 1-10
Mechanical properties, elastic moduli, transmission factors, and gamma-ray-shielding performances of Bi2O3–P2O5–B2O3–V2O5 quaternary glass system
(De Gruyter, 2022)
Mechanical properties, elastic moduli, transmission factors (TFs), and gamma-ray shielding performance of quaternary glass systems with chemical composition (0.25−x)Bi2O3–xB2O3−0.75(50%P2O5−50%V2O5), where x = ...
Yeni Koronavirüs 2019 (COVID-19) Salgınının Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Çalışanları ve Uygulamaları Açısından Önemi
Öz:Çin’de görülen koronavirüs hastalığı-2019 [coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19)] tüm dünyada hızlıca yayılan ve günümüz itibarıyla1 milyondan fazla kişiyi enfekte eden ve 100 bini aşkın kişinin de ölümüne neden olan viral ...
Evaluation of Geriatric Patients Admitted to the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic for Treatment of Facial Dermatosis: A Retrospective Study
Purpose: Skin is the human body’s largest organ, and it has essential social, sexual, and psychological roles. Especially the effect of this fact on visible body parts such as the face is obvious. The elderly ...
Resmi sicil ve senetlerle ispat
(İnönü Üniversitesi, 2020)
Öz:Resmi sicil, içeriği hakkında, ilgisi ve menfaati olan kişilerin bilgi edinmelerini sağlayan ve resmi memurlar tarafından tutulan kayıtlardır. Resmi senetler ise, kanun veya tarafların iradesiyle resmi şekle bağlanan, ...
Evaluation of the Knowledge of Sun Damage, Solar Protection and Skin Cancers Among University Students and Their Parents
Purpose: Awareness of the harmful effects of the sun and the knowledge of protection, and awareness of the follow up of nevi, are important for the prevention and early diagnosis of skin cancers. Our aim is to evaluate ...
Partial Effect of Resveratrol on Wound Healing: Study on Wistar Albino Rats
Objectives: Resveratrol (RSV) is a polyphenol compound found naturally in fruits. Resveratrol's antioxidant, anti-aging, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic effects have been shown. This study aims ...
Evaluation of Demographic and Clinical Data of Herpes Zoster Patients Admitted To Tertiary Referral Dermatology Clinic During COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: Herpes zoster infection (shingles) occurs due to reactivation of the varicella zoster virus (VZV) usually contracted during childhood. Dermatomal involvement is characterized by vesicular rash. Symptoms ...
The effects of coronavirus on global energy prices
Abstract:It appears that the impact of the crisis caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic in theworld is experienced in many different areas, especially in health. The drastic falls in oil pricesindicate that energy ...
Yaşama verilen anlamlar bağlamında psikoterapi kuram ve yaklaşımlarının değerlendirilmesi
Öz:İnsan, var olduğundan beri çevresinde olup biteni anlama çabasına girişmiştir. Hayatın anlamını sorgulama ise ağırlıklı olarak Felsefe bilimi ile başlamıştır. Varoluşçu Felsefe akımı ile başlayan bu sorgulama sonrasında ...
Arteriovenous fistula self-care behaviors in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment: Association with health literacy and self-care agency
(Sage Journals, 2022)
Background: Arteriovenous fistula-related self-care behaviors, self-care agency and health literacy are important for vascular access patency, which is vital in the continuation of hemodialysis treatment. The ...