Now showing items 1-10 of 50
İlkokulda görev yapan okul yöneticisi ve öğretmenlerinin mobbinge maruz kalma düzeyleri
Öz:Mobbing, toplumun her kesiminde sıklıkla görülen ve kişi sağlığıile psikolojisini olumsuz etkileyen bir olgudur. Eğitim alanında görevyapan kişilere karşı mobbing uygulamasının özellikle öğrenciler veeğitim ortamı ...
Validity and Reliability of Cognitive Attentional Syndrome-1 Questionnaire
(Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2019)
Objective This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Cognitive Attentional Syndrome-1 (CAS-1)
Methods 221 participants were included in the study who do not meet ...
Yetişkin ilişkilerinde şiddete yönelik tutumların incelenmesi
Öz:Partner ilişkilerinde fiziksel ve psikolojik saldırganlığa başvurma oranları ortalamaolarak %30-40 ile %70-80 arasında değişmektedir. Fiziksel ve psikolojik saldırganlığayönelik tutumlar, partner şiddetini önleyici ve ...
İşletme ve Yönetim Bilimleri Kongresi
(İstanbul Kent Üniversitesi, 2019)
Does mindful eating have a relationship with gender, body mass index and health promoting lifestyle?
(MATTIOLI 1885, 2019)
Objective: Present study, we aimed to examine the relationship between university students' mindful eating and health promoting lifestyle status with their gender and body mass index among students from a university sample ...
Effects of adverse childhood events over metacognitions, rumination, depression and worry in healthy university students
(İnönü Üniversitesi, 2019)
Adverse childhood experiences observed the various physical and mental problems that emerged in the later periods of life were found to be significantly associated. The aim of this study is to compare anxiety and depression, ...
Üniversite öğrencilerinde çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantıları ile otomatik düşünceler, ara inançlar, uyumsuz şemalar, anksiyete ve depresif belirti şiddeti ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki
(Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2019)
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, psikopatolojisi olmayan üniversite öğrencilerinde çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantıları (ÇÇOY) varlığının şemalara, fonksiyonel olmayan tutumlara, otomatik düşüncelere, anksiyete ve depresif ...
Comparison between obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder on metacognitive beliefs, emotional schemas, and cognitive flexibility
(Springer International Publishing, 2019)
We aimed to investigate the similarities and differences between patients with OCD and PD, and healthy control subjects (NPC) on their metacognitive beliefs, emotional schemas, and cognitive flexibility. We hypothesized ...
Just a progressive step: women's empowerment in turkish microcredit practices
In developing countries, the economic potential of women has long been under-utilized as a means of lifting households and communities out of poverty. In this respect, microcredit schemes offer an innovative form of social ...
Evaluation of Final-Year Turkish Dental Students' Knowledge, Attitude, and Self-Perceived Competency towards Preventive Dentistry
(Hindawi, 2019)
Background. Dental education plays an important role in providing students with the opportunity to develop their evidence-based knowledge and clinical skills regarding patient-specific preventive care and caries management ...