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Recent Submissions
The mediating role of green innovation and environmental performance in the effect of green transformational leadership on sustainable competitive advantage
(MDPI, 2025)Owing to global warming and changing environmental factors, the world has been experiencing negative and major changes. Society is showing a strong reaction to these environmental problems through marches, protests, and ... -
The determinants of green purchasing in the hospitality sector: A study on the mediation effect of LOHAS orientation
(MDPI, 2024)The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of personal norm and to measure the effect of personal norm on green purchasing behavior as well as a possible mediating role of consumer LOHAS orientation in ... -
The business start-up procedures and costs for entrepreneurs
(Istanbul Commerce University, 2024)Entrepreneurs may encounter various difficulties when launching a new business. A business setup process can be quite straightforward in some nations and be challenging in others, particularly with regard to the amount ... -
The effect of technological unemployment anxiety on employee burnout
(Inderscience Publishers, 2024)In this research, the effect of technological unemployment anxiety on employee burnout has been examined. Structural equation modelling method was chosen to analyse multidimensional models with both direct and indirect ... -
The effect of inflation on high technology exports
(Istanbul Commerce University, 2024)This study aims to determine the relationship between inflation and exports of high technology products. Within the framework of the research model, the relationships between Inflation, Ease of Doing Business, Education ... -
The mediator role of procedures in the relationship between business setup time and starting new business
(Collaboration, 2024)Starting a new business can sometimes be quite simple and sometimes very challenging. Data from various countries show that this situation varies from region to region. In particular, the setup time and procedures involved ... -
The relationship between organizational identification and job satisfaction in retail industry
(Istanbul Commerce University, 2023)The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational identification and job satisfaction among retail industry employees. Quantitative data was gathered using questionnaires. To ensure the ... -
Digital transformation management in retail organizations
(Beyin Takımı İlim Derneği, 2023)The impact of digital transformation, which is essential for process efficiency at every stage of business, has reached to an undeniable level. Nowadays, companies are not solely investing in traditional items such as ... -
Employee job satisfaction according to education level, age and work experience
(Collaboration, 2023)In today's corporate environment, employee job satisfaction is essential to business performance. Job satisfaction may be influenced by a variety of employee demographic factors, and the potential outcomes require numerous ... -
The effect of technological unemployment anxiety on organizational cynicism
(Türk Kooperatifçilik Kurumu, 2023)In this research, the effect of technological unemployment anxiety on organizational cynicism has been examined. To collect data questionnaires were utilized. Principal component analysis was employed to ensure the validity ... -
The effect of occupational moral injury on career abandonment intention among physicians in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
(Elsevier, 2023)Background: Since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, physicians have been the unsung heroes of the pandemic. However, many are about to give up the battlefield. This study investigated the effect of occupational moral ... -
The role of perceived organizational support and work engagement on the relationship between leader-member exchange and job satisfaction
(Dogus University, 2023)This research aims to comprehend the the mediating roles of perceived organizational support and work engagement in the effect of leader-member exchange on employees’ job satisfaction. Namely, the main purpose is to ... -
Sosyal sermaye ve bilgi paylaşma niyeti ilişkisinde bireysel motivasyonun aracı rolü
(Doğuş Üniversitesi, 2023)İşgörenlerin belirli bir bilgiye sahip olması işletmeler açısından tek başına yeterli değildir. İşgörenlerin içinde bulunduğu ortam, işyerindeki bağlar, ortak dil kullanımı, işgörenlerin motivasyonları işgörenlerin bilgi ... -
Legal evaluation of the attacks caused by artificial intelligence-based lethal weapon systems within the context of Rome statute
(ELSEVIER, 2021)Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) as of the level of development reached today has become a scientific reality that is subject to study in the fields of law, political science, and other social sciences besides computer ... -
Kurumsal değer ifadelerinin değerlendirilmesi: türkiye’nin en büyük 20 kurumunda bir çözümleme
(International Smart Journal, 2021)Summary Değerler, çeşitli durumlarda eylemlere ve yargılara rehberlik eden küresel kavramlardır. Tutumlar ve algılar aracılığıyla davranış üzerinde dolaylı bir etkiye sahip olabilirler. Değerler, performans sonuçlarını ... -
Boyutlu yazıcılarla meydana getirilen ürünlerin tasarımları üzerinde hak sahipliği
(Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021)Yazıcılar günümüzde ahşaptan, metale hatta canlı dokuya kadar birçok materyali işleyebilmektedir. Bu gelişme gelecekte 3 boyutlu yazıcıların üretimin her alanında etkisi olacağını göstermektedir. 3 boyutlu yazıcılarla ... -
Turizm destinasyonlarının rekabet gücünün artırılmasında stratejik destinasyon yönetimi: Çeşme Alaçatı destinasyonu üzerine bir uygulama
(2018)Öz:Bu araştırma, destinasyon yönetiminin stratejik olarak ele alınması gerektiği ve ülkesel ölçekte destinasyonların rekabet gücünü belirlemeye yönelik olarak hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı Dwyer ve Kim’in modelinde ...