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Bireyselleşmiş dünya’da alternatif kolektivite arayışları: Zorunlu yalnızlık içinde kırılgan ve geçici aidiyetler
(İstanbul Nişantaşı Üniversitesi, 2024)Bireyselleşmiş modern yaşamın temel karakteristikleri çerçevesinde, yalnızlık, yabancılık ve aidiyet ihtiyacından kaynaklanan tahribatları en aza indirgemek isteyen ancak aynı zamanda bireysel sınırlarını da korumayı ... -
Digital crossroads: Media, communication, and data security challenges in Türkiye-U.S. relations
(The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, 2024)In an increasingly interconnected world, the role of digital media transcends mere communication, extending into the realms of geopolitics and security. Türkiye and the United States, both pivotal actors on the global ... -
Uluslararası iletişimde dijitalleşen kamu diplomasisi ve siber diplomasinin kesişimi
(Palet Yayınları, 2024)Stratejik iletişim odaklı yeni diplomasi anlayışı, uluslararası platformda her geçen gün devletler tarafından daha fazla ön plana çıkarılan, ‘gösterilen’ ve ‘hissettirilen’ yeni bir güç unsuru olarak dikkat çekmektedir. ... -
The determinants of green purchasing in the hospitality sector: A study on the mediation effect of LOHAS orientation
(MDPI, 2024)The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of personal norm and to measure the effect of personal norm on green purchasing behavior as well as a possible mediating role of consumer LOHAS orientation in ... -
Modern sonrası zamanlarda kolektiviteden kopuş: Gündelik hayatta bireyselleşmenin tezahürleri ve değerlerin yeniden inşası
(Mehmet Ali Karaman, 2024)Dünya tarihinde en önemli toplumsal değişimlerden biri, toplum merkezli anlayıştan ya da kolektiviteden birey merkezli anlayışa geçiş, yani bireyselleşmenin yükselişi olmuştur. Geleneksel toplumsal pratiklerde yaşanan ... -
The business start-up procedures and costs for entrepreneurs
(Istanbul Commerce University, 2024)Entrepreneurs may encounter various difficulties when launching a new business. A business setup process can be quite straightforward in some nations and be challenging in others, particularly with regard to the amount ... -
Global migrations of the discourse of “gender ideology” and moral panics: transnational fundamentalism from the Vatican to Turkey
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)This article looks at the gender regime of the governing Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi; AKP) in Turkey through the double lenses of “gender ideology” and moral panics. It traces the itinerary ... -
Digital media and communication practices of Gen Z in the age of artificial intelligence
(Transnational Press London, 2024)Technological advancements have brought about notable improvements in societies, yet they also pose certain risks. The era of artificial intelligence (AI) represents a profound technological evolution, with an ever-growing ... -
The dual role of artificial intelligence in vaccine communication: Challenges and opportunities in fighting misinformation
(Transnational Press London, 2024)In a world increasingly shaped by vast communication networks and platforms, the critical role of communication in public health has, at times, not received the attention it deserves. Yet, as societies grapple with complex ... -
Factors associated with psychosis in 2098 methamphetamine users admitted to 104 outpatient counseling centers in 80 cities in Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2024)Evidence suggests that individuals who use methamphetamine are at a significantly higher risk of developing psychosis compared to non-users. This study aims to examine the rate of psychosis among methamphetamine users ... -
Global geopolitical risks in the near future and their reflections on Türkiye
(Transnational Press London, 2024)The above phrase is an anonymous proverb emphasising the significance of predicting or forecasting the future. Every entity in the world begs to have an idea of the future, such as wage war, investing, opening a business, ... -
Does paternal acception also matter? The mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between parental acceptance and eating attitude
(Springer Nature, 2024)Parental factors have received significant attention, even though eating disorders—which have been more prevalent recently—are known to involve numerous psychological components. Notably, maternal behavior and gender ... -
Digital capitalism unveiled: Understanding its impact for society through cases of Facebook and Uber
(İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, 2024)The convergence of digital capitalism and political economy offers a profound area for exploration, highlighting the complex interactions between technology and economy in today's global digital landscape. Central to this ... -
The mediating role of job satisfaction in the effect of servant leadership on employee performance: A research on saving finance sector
(Melih Topaloğlu, 2024)Purpose – The purpose of this article is to analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction in the effect of servant leadership on employee performance. Design/Methodology/Approach – The population of the research ... -
Decoding Anti-Americanism in Türkiye
(Lexington Books, 2024)“Why do people hate us?” was an interesting question for many American scholars trying to understand other peoples’ thoughts and prejudices about the United States. While some political decisions made by Washington ... -
Fransa siyasetinde belirsizlikler dönemi: İkinci Macron iktidarı ve sonrasına dair bir analiz
(İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, 2024)2017 yılından beri Fransa siyasetine damgasını vuran genç ve liberal Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron, 2017 ve 2022’de iki defa cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerini kazanmasına karşın, ilk dönemde sahip olduğu Ulusal Meclis ... -
U.S.–China competition: A power transition perspective
(World Scientific, 2024)U.S.–China competition has been widely viewed as the most important feature of world politics that will shape the emerging interna tional order. Whereas Washington increasingly sees Beijing as the sole great power with ... -
Class, migration and masculinity among Syrian and Turkish youths in working-class neighborhoods of Istanbul
(Routledge, 2024)This article describes the masculinity narratives of working-class Syrian and Turkish youths in Istanbul on their lived experiences of socio-economic inequalities, everyday violence, and discrimination. Based on ... -
Progressivism in American foreign policy: past and present
(T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2024)The article examines the impact of progressivism on contemporary U.S. foreign policy. American progressivism, which is said to have its roots in the British settlement house movement and the Fabian Society in Britain in ... -
Akışkan çağda genç kuşaklar ve köksüzlük olgusu: yitirilen kolektif bağlar temelinde memleket aidiyeti
(Sosyolojik Bağlam, 2024)Modernleşme ile geleneksel yapı ve dolayısıyla geleneksel topluma bağlı ortak değerler, inançlar, semboller bireyi destekleme ve belirleme gücünü kaybetmiştir. Geleneksel toplum larda kolektiviteye bağlı tekil kimlikler ...